Monday, 6 December 2010

If failure was a game, at least then I would win

Yeah, so NaNoWriMo didn't go as well as I'd hoped for. It was not that I wasn't on time, not that I didn't keep (more or less) to my schedule, it was just life that got in the way. When it was only a few days left I had the worst work period of my life. We're talking early hours, we're talking long days (around 14 hours), and we're talking every single last day of November, so there was no way that I was going to finish it. I manage to scrape together a few thousand words, but it was all in vain, because I was exhausted from work and had some easier work going the absolutely last day, so it was more or less screwed.

But I'm not sad. I dug my grave, being out a bit too much after work, staying a bit too many nights away from home, and now I live with it. Besides, there's always next year.