Monday, 27 September 2010

Books I can't wait to get my hands on

I love reading. I read way more than I write, and I gulp them down one by one! Everytime I go to England I take the opportunity to purchase as many books I can, since I only read in English. Last time I went there, in August, I came home with thirteen books, all of them are more or less finished.

I do have a few books that I haven't come out yet, books that I'm waiting impatiently for. These are;

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick
My first encounter with the first book, Hush Hush, was when I had just finished Issues, and sat and waited for all the pages to print. In my hand I had a free sample of the book, in Swedish. I read it through and got hooked, despite it being in the wrong language. It didn't take long until I bought the book and plowed through it. When I read the first bit of the new book, I just kept waiting. I still am.

Crescendo gets out on October 19th

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
This is a fanmade cover, the real one hasn't been released yet, that's how long I have to wait. The two previous books didn't take long until they were read and done, and even if I'm not the biggest fan of the second book, and how it all played out, I just have to know what's going to happen.

Forever gets out in July 2011
Torment by Lauren Kate
Another book I just ploughed right through. This one however, just left me annoyed at the lack of real love that was going on. There was always something there to ruin all the almost-moments, whereas most books let them have at least a few days in blissful happiness. I'm excited for this book because now they can maybe finally get a happy ending.

Torment comes out September 28th (tomorrow! but it's probably now coming to Sweden until a few weeks after)

The big writing day

One thing that defines me as a person is my laziness. So, to me, there's no surprise that I haven't gotten anything done in the past five days. Not writing wise anyway. I've been busy taking care of my family's new puppy, do a bit of working and just trying to figure out life. I got Issues back from Bella, edited and done, so what I really should be doing is working my behind of with that. It's my possible future that's in that bunch of papers.

Other than that I've been busy reliving my old life with the McFly-boards and the fan fiction writing I did like a drug for about two years ago. It's all amazing, but not the same anymore.

But today it's Monday, which means that a new week is beginning, tossing away last weeks mistakes to the side and throwing you into a new week's adventure. I tidied my room and then decided that it was time to do something about the situation. So today, I'll spend my entire day (and probably night, seeing as I'm an owl) positioned in front of my laptop just writing and editing away. Between taking pee-breaks, both mine and the puppies.

Until next time!
/Kim, currently dying from staring too close at the screen and new puppy owner

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Welcome to the beginning

Hello, and welcome to my blog. This is where I'll collect everything that has anything to do with my writing. I had another blog that was meant for this, but somehow it got my for-fun blog instead, so I decided to try again and succeed this time.

So who am I?

Well, my name is Kim, I'm 19 years old and I want to be a published writer. I live in Sweden with my mum and my siblings (who only come every other week) and my three mice, fish a hamster and in two days, a dog. This will however change one day, because since I graduated school earlier this summer I haven't done much else than just bum around at home, so if things go as planned I will soon move to England which, for unknown reasons, are the country of my dreams.

In my spare time I like to write (duh!), read, eat, sleep and play video games. I work too. At least a little, it's not a full time job, but I do get enough money to survive. And I'm beginning to learn how to drive, and study some math. Yes, my life is busy, busy!