Monday, 27 September 2010

The big writing day

One thing that defines me as a person is my laziness. So, to me, there's no surprise that I haven't gotten anything done in the past five days. Not writing wise anyway. I've been busy taking care of my family's new puppy, do a bit of working and just trying to figure out life. I got Issues back from Bella, edited and done, so what I really should be doing is working my behind of with that. It's my possible future that's in that bunch of papers.

Other than that I've been busy reliving my old life with the McFly-boards and the fan fiction writing I did like a drug for about two years ago. It's all amazing, but not the same anymore.

But today it's Monday, which means that a new week is beginning, tossing away last weeks mistakes to the side and throwing you into a new week's adventure. I tidied my room and then decided that it was time to do something about the situation. So today, I'll spend my entire day (and probably night, seeing as I'm an owl) positioned in front of my laptop just writing and editing away. Between taking pee-breaks, both mine and the puppies.

Until next time!
/Kim, currently dying from staring too close at the screen and new puppy owner

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