Friday 29 October 2010


First of all, I suck at updating this blog, but truth be told, I haven't been all active at all to be honest. I've been too busy working and drinking and doing things I probably shouldn't.

November, however, will be a different story. November equals NaNoWriMo, which is something I've done every year since I found out about it. This will be my third year, and this year I will win (I totally failed last year due to too much school and too much personal life). There's not much going on on work, and if it is, I'll find the time. I'm loaded, I have the story (I think) and now I'll have the discipline to do it.

It will also be more frequent updates, since it's a part of the writing experience and that's what this blog is for. Yay?

If you don't know what it is, just click the picture and it'll direct you to their homepage!

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